Monday, May 9, 2011

Laura and her Girls Come for a Visit

Laura and her 3 girls came to visit us last week while Mike was out of town for business.  The kids, and Audrey especially, loved to be outside in the yard.  We put sunscreen and big hats on them to protect them from the early spring sunshine and they looked so cute.  Audrey and Simeon both have a passion for being outside so they spent a lot of time out there. 

Cami played inside most of the time.  Here she is in the front room.

 We took the girls on the Rail Runner for a short but fun trip.  Here are Hayley and Audrey trying out the train whistles on the train.
Cami trying out the whistles on the train also.  They were only here for a few days but we really enjoyed their visit.  It doesn't show here but Laura is so cutely pregnant.  She is due in 12 weeks or so.  How nice that she would drive to our house by herself to spend some time with us.  We loved it. 

1 comment:

Lybi said...

You are such a fun grandma! Wish I could've been there.